General Return

You are free to initiate a return within 10 days of receipt whenever you are not satisfied with the product, but you have to pay for the return or exchange cost. You will refund received within 15 days. Item(s) must be:

1.In brand-new condition

2.Uninstalled and/or non-assembled

3.Unused, no pieces missing

4.With original tags and packaging (you may need to pack it yourself if you no longer possess the packaging)

A few items can’t be returned, including:

1.Clearance items

2.Customized items

3.Flash Deals

4.Offline purchase (items or parts unlisted on our website)

5.Items marked “Non-Returnable” on the product page

6.Please note, any items returned without authorization will not qualify for a refund and be rejected on delivery to our returns center.

What you need to know before you start a general return

1.the White Glove service charges collected on the order will not be refunded for general return.

2.You have to pay for the return cost. (Product returns from US/UK might incur additional fees. Please ensure a timely customs clearance to avoid complicating the return.)

3.You will be charged a minimum restocking fee of 10% of invoice total on all general returns.

Faulty or Damaged Products

1.Upon receipt, please inspect your purchase and notify us of any missing parts, faults, damage or incorrect items immediately. You are advised to contact our customer service within 48 hours of receiving your items if there is an issue with the product. such as the lights not working when fitted, faucets leaking while installed, and damage to furniture after opening, please make sure to take some pictures or a quick video demonstrating the problem. Providing pictures of the product, the packaging and the labels on the outside will allow us to greatly speed up the process for you.

2.All product issue inquiries may be best informed us within 30 days of receipt along with the three types of pictures mentioned above, otherwise, after-sales inquiries after 30 days of receipt might be affected negatively due to uncertain factors outside of the time frame.

3.Please note that we do not cover the repair fee if unauthorized handyman services were hired.